ကြောင်ရောဂါလေးမျá€á€¯á€¸á€•á€±á€«á€„်းကာကွယ်ဆေး ကာကွယ်နá€á€¯á€„်သော ရောဂါများ ကြောင်á€á€¯á€•á€ºá€€á€½á€±á€¸á€›á€±á€¬á€‚ါ (အသက်ရှူလမ်းကြောင်းဆá€á€¯á€„်ရာရောဂါ) (ကယ်လ်ဆီဗá€á€¯á€„်းရပ်စ်አဟားပá€á€…်ဗá€á€¯á€„်းရပ်စ် နှင့် ကလန်မá€á€¯á€„်းဒီးယား ရောဂါ) ကြောင်နာကျရောဂါ (ပါဗá€á€¯á€—á€á€¯á€„်းရပ်စ်ကြောင့်ဖြစ်သော ပန်လူကá€á€¯á€•á€®á€¸á€”ီးယားရောဂါ) အသုံးပြုပုံ အသက် რလသားအရွယ်ရှá€á€žá€±á€¬ ကြောင်များá€á€½á€„် အသုံးပြုပါက ကာကွယ် ဆေးစá€á€„်ထá€á€¯á€¸á€”ှံပြီး áƒ-ᄠပါá€á€ºá€¡á€€á€¼á€¬á€á€½á€„် ဒုá€á€á€šá€¡á€€á€¼á€á€™á€ºá€‘ပ်မံထá€á€¯á€¸á€•á€±á€¸á€›á€•á€«á€™á€Šá€ºá‹ ကြောင်လေးများ Ⴀလသားအရွယ်á€á€½á€„် အသုံးပြုပါက အသက် რလ ပြည့်သောအá€á€«á€á€½á€„် ဒုá€á€á€šá€¡á€€á€¼á€á€™á€º ထပ်မံထá€á€¯á€¸á€•á€±á€¸á€›á€•á€«á€™á€Šá€ºá‹ ကာကွယ်ဆေးအား á€á€…်နှစ်á€á€…်ကြá€á€™á€º ပုံမှန်ပြန်လည်ထá€á€¯á€¸á€•á€±á€¸á€›á€•á€«á€™á€Šá€ºá‹ နီးစပ်ရာá€á€á€›á€…္ဆာန်ဆေးá€á€”်းá€á€½á€„်သွားရောက် ထá€á€¯á€¸á€”ှံနá€á€¯á€„်ပါသည်ዠZoetis, USA မှ á€á€á€¯á€€á€ºá€›á€á€¯á€€á€ºá€á€„်သွင်းဖြန့်á€á€»á€á€žá€Šá€ºá‹ FELOCELL 4 is for vaccination of healthy cats as an aid in preventing feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) caused by feline herpesvirus-1, respiratory disease caused by feline calicivirus (FCV), feline panleukopenia (FPL) caused by feline parvovirus (FPV), and feline chlamydiosis caused by Chlamydia psittaci. DIRECTIONS: 1. General Directions: Vaccination of healthy cats is recommended. Aseptically rehydrate the freeze-dried vaccine with the sterile diluent provided, shake well, and administer 1 mL intramuscularly or subcutaneously. 2. Primary Vaccination: Healthy cats 12 weeks of age or older should receive 2 doses administered 3-4 weeks apart. Cats vaccinated at less than 12 weeks of age should be revaccinated at 12 weeks of age. 3. Revaccination: Annual revaccination with a single dose is recommended, although, as recommended by the American Veterinary Medical Association and its Council on Biologic and Therapeutic Agents, the attending veterinarian should determine the frequency of revaccination based on the animal's lifestyle and risk of exposure.1 Vaccination of pregnant queens should be avoided. As with many vaccines, anaphylaxis may occur after use. Initial antidote of epinephrine is recommended and should be followed with appropriate supportive therapy. Precautions This product has been shown to be efficacious in healthy animals. A protective immune response may not be elicited if animals are incubating an infectious disease, are malnourished or parasitised, are stressed due to shipment or environmental conditions, are otherwise immuno-compromised, or the vaccine is not administered in accordance with label directions. 1. Store at 2-8ºC (Refrigerate, do not freeze). Prolonged exposure to higher temperatures may adversely affect potency. 2. Use entire contents when first opened. 3. Sterilised syringes and needles should be used to administer this vaccine. Do not sterilise with chemicals because traces of disinfectant may inactivate the vaccines. 4. Burn containers and all unused contents. 5. Contains gentamicin as preservative. 6. Vaccination of pregnant queens should be avoided. 7. The use of this product has been associated with fever, anorexia and lethargy in 1% of vaccinated cats, often occurring in clusters in association with multiple concurrent vaccinations. Veterinary intervention may be required. When treatment is necessary, supportive care, steroids and antibiotics have been utilised. 8. As with many vaccines, anaphylaxis may occur following use. In this event, an initial antidote of adrenaline is recommended and should be followed by appropriate supportive therapy. Prescription Animal Remedy. Keep out of reach of children. For animal treatment only.