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Griptol-N 60 ml (Anti-Diarrhoeal Oral Solution)

Firm Control Over Diarrhoea /// Offers quick results in Mixed G.I infections Highly effective broad spectrum actions against bacteria and protozoa Ready to use oral suspension for better convenience Ensures high oral bioavailability. /// Composition: Each 5 ml contains: Levofloxacin ……….. 100 mg Ornidazole ………….. 200 mg /// Indications: Diarrhoea of mixed bacterial and/ or protozoal origin. G.I infections caused by gram negative bacteria like E.coli, Salmonella, Shigella spp., gram positive bacteria, aerobes, anaerobes and protozoa like – Emimera, Amoeba, Giardia and Trichomonas spp. /// Dosage: 7 ml/ 25 kg body weight

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